- 算法求解过程
- 代码及解析(参考Robotics Toolbox)
- a i a_iai:{0}-{i}之间的矢量距离
- e i e_iei:在base系下描述的关节轴向量
- p pp:{0}-{p}之间的矢量距离
- r i r_iri:{i}-{p}之间的矢量距离
代码及解析(参考Robotics Toolbox)
% SerialLink.jacob_dot Derivative of Jacobian
% JDQ = R.jacob_dot(Q, QD) is the product (6x1) of the derivative of the Jacobian (in the world frame) and the joint rates.
% Notes::
% - This term appears in the formulation for operational space control XDD = J(Q)QDD + JDOT(Q)QD
function Jdot = jacob_dot(robot, q, qd)
n = robot.n;
links = robot.links;
% 使用Angeles的表示法:
% [Q,a] ~ [R,t] the per link transformation 相邻连杆间的变换
% P ~ R the cumulative rotation t2r(Tj) in world frame 世界坐标系的累积旋转变换t2r(Tj)
% e the last column of P, the local frame z axis in world coordinates P的最后一列,世界坐标中的局部坐标系z轴
% w angular velocity in base frame base坐标系中的角速度
% ed deriv of e e的导数,其中e为关节轴向量在base下的表示
% r is distance from final frame {i}距最后坐标系的距离
% rd deriv of r r的导数
% ud temporary variable ud = e × rd
% e1 e2 ... en
% J = [----------------------------------------]
% e1 x r1 e2 x r2 ... en x rn
% w
% t = [-----]
% v
% t = J * dot_q
% robert.h.x.s
% 提取数据,为算法计算做准备
for i=1:n
T = links(i).A(q(i));
Q{i} = t2r(T); % 旋转矩阵
a{i} = transl(T)'; % 平移矩阵
% P为累积变换,e{i}为{i}系的旋转轴z轴变换到base系下的表示,P195
P{1} = Q{1};
e{1} = [0 0 1]';
for i=2:n
P{i} = P{i-1}*Q{i};
e{i} = P{i}(:,3);
% step 1 求{i}在base系下的角速度w{i},有速度叠加(注意点:旋转矩阵求逆==求转置),P207-P209
w{1} = qd(1)*e{1};
for i=1:(n-1)
w{i+1} = qd(i+1)*[0 0 1]' + Q{i}'*w{i};
% step 2 求dot_e,P207-P209
ed{1} = [0 0 0]';
for i=2:n
ed{i} = cross(w{i}, e{i});
% step 3 求dot_r,方法同step2(注意点:有矢量叠加),P207-P209
rd{n} = cross(w{n}, a{n});
for i=(n-1):-1:1
rd{i} = cross(w{i}, a{i}) + Q{i}*rd{i+1};
% 求{i}-{p}的距离,P198
r{n} = a{n};
for i=(n-1):-1:1
r{i} = a{i} + Q{i}*r{i+1};
% 求d(e x rd)/dt,其中d(e x rd)/dt = dot_e x r + e x dot_r ,P207-P209
ud{1} = cross(e{1}, rd{1});
for i=2:n
ud{i} = cross(ed{i}, r{i}) + cross(e{i}, rd{i});
% step 4 swap ud and ed,目的:为了统一工具箱的描述形式
v{n} = qd(n)*[ud{n}; ed{n}];
for i=(n-1):-1:1
Ui = blkdiag(Q{i}, Q{i}); % blkdiag 分块对角矩阵
v{i} = qd(i)*[ud{i}; ed{i}] + Ui*v{i+1};
Jdot = v{1}; % 结果得到的是 dot_J * dot_q,即公式的后半部分
详细参考《Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems Theory, Methods, and Algorithms》,着重参考5.1-5.5部分,具体公式推导有空再补。