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python 水墨上仙 2213次浏览


# Filename: while.py
number = 23
running = True
while running:
    guess = int(raw_input('Enter an integer : '))
    if guess == number:
        print 'Congratulations, you guessed it.' 
        running = False # this causes the while loop to stop
    elif guess < number:
        print 'No, it is a little higher than that' 
        print 'No, it is a little lower than that' 
    print 'The while loop is over.' 
    # Do anything else you want to do here
print 'Done'
$ python while.py
Enter an integer : 50
No, it is a little lower than that.
Enter an integer : 22
No, it is a little higher than that.
Enter an integer : 23
Congratulations, you guessed it.
The while loop is over.

开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明python中while语句使用范例代码
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