#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <queue> using namespace std; template <class T> class STree; template<class T, class Ref=T&, class Ptr=T*> class STree_iterator; template<class T, class Ref=T&, class Ptr=T*> class STree_const_iterator; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //search tree NODE template <class T> class TNode{ friend class STree<T>; //bound friend friend class STree_iterator<T>; friend class STree_const_iterator<T>; protected: T data; TNode<T> *left, *right, *parent; void copy(const TNode<T> &rhs) { //if(rhs==NULL) {cout<<"error: no source"<<endl; return;} left=rhs.left; right=rhs.right; parent=rhs.parent; data=rhs.data; } public: TNode() {left=NULL, right=NULL, parent=NULL;} TNode(const T &item, TNode<T> *lptr=NULL, TNode<T> *rptr=NULL, TNode<T> *pptr=NULL) :data(item), left(lptr), right(rptr), parent(pptr) {} TNode( const TNode<T> &rhs) { copy(rhs); } TNode<T> &operator=(const TNode<T> &rhs) { copy(rhs); return *this;} ~TNode() {} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //binary search tree declaration template <class T> class STree { friend class STree_iterator<T>; friend class STree_const_iterator<T>; protected: TNode<T> *root; int size; TNode<T> *GetNode(const T &item, TNode<T> *lptr, TNode<T> *rptr, TNode<T> *pptr); //allocate storage for the current root node TNode<T> *copy(TNode<T> *rhs); void DelTree(TNode<T> *root); TNode<T> *findNode(const T& item) const; //only the type of return value is different, it seems polymorphism must be sacrificed public: typedef T value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef STree_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator; typedef STree_const_iterator<T, T&, T*> const_interator; STree(void); STree(T *first, T *last); STree(const STree<T> &rhs); STree<T> &operator=(const STree<T> &rhs); //support ~STree(void); iterator begin();//return the iterator of the node which should be firstly calls for iterator end();//return the last node in the tree int height(TNode<T> *cur) const;//calculate the height of the tree whose root is cur; iterator find(const T& item);//find element in the tree iterator insert(const T& item);//insert element in the tree bool erase(const T& item);//if item exist, erase it and return true void erase(iterator pos);/*select the minimum one (R) in the right sub tree to substitute the deleted node, connect the right subtree of R to its parent as the left sub tree connect the left subtree of the deleted node to R as the left subtree link the right subtree of the deleted node to R as its right sub tree, and the substitute the deleted node with R*/ void erase(iterator first, iterator last); void LevelorderPrint(); bool empty() const {return root==NULL;} int Size() const {return size;} TNode<T> *Root() {return root;} }; //end of declaration of STree /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //binary search tree implementation //construction and destruction template <class T> STree<T>::STree(void){ root=NULL; size=0; } template <class T> STree<T>::STree(T *first, T *last) { root=NULL; size=0; while(first!=last) { insert(*first); ++first; } } template <class T> STree<T>::STree(const STree<T> &rhs) { root=copy( rhs.Root() ); size=rhs.Size(); } template <class T> STree<T> &STree<T>::operator=(const STree<T> &rhs){ if(this==rhs) return this; DelTree(root); root=copy(rhs.Root()); size=rhs.Size(); return this; } template <class T> STree<T>::~STree(void){ DelTree(root); } //private routines template <class T> TNode<T> *STree<T>::GetNode(const T &item, TNode<T> *lptr, TNode<T> *rptr, TNode<T> *pptr){ TNode<T> *newnode=new TNode<T>(item, lptr, rptr, pptr); if(newnode==NULL) {cerr<<"allocate storage for new node failed!"<<endl; exit(0);} /*throw referenceError ("allocate storage for new node failed!");*/ return newnode; } template <class T> TNode<T> *STree<T>::copy(TNode<T> *rhs){ TNode<T> *lptr, *rptr, *newnode; if(rhs==NULL) return NULL; lptr=copy(rhs->left); rptr=copy(rhs->right);//recurisively copy newnode=GetNode(rhs->data, lptr, rptr, NULL); if(lptr!=NULL) lptr->parent=newnode; if(rptr!=NULL) rptr->parent=newnode; return newnode;//return the root of the current tree } template <class T> void STree<T>::DelTree(TNode<T> *_root) { if(_root!=NULL){ DelTree(_root->left); DelTree(_root->right); delete _root; } } template <class T> TNode<T> *STree<T>::findNode(const T& item) const { TNode<T> *cur=root; while(cur!=NULL) { if(item==cur->data) return cur; else if(item<cur->data) cur=cur->left; else cur=cur->right; } return cur; } //interface template <class T> int STree<T>::height(TNode<T> *cur) const { int r_depth, l_depth, depth; if(cur==NULL) depth=-1; else { r_depth=height(cur->right); l_depth=height(cur->left); depth=1+(r_depth>l_depth?r_depth:l_depth); } return depth; } template <class T> typename STree<T>::iterator STree<T>::find(const T& item){ TNode<T> *cur; cur=findNode(item); if(cur!=NULL) return STree<T>::iterator(cur, this); else return this->end(); } template <class T> typename STree<T>::iterator STree<T>::insert(const T& item) { TNode<T> *cur=root, *par=NULL, *newnode; while(cur!=NULL) { par=cur; if(item==cur->data) return STree<T>::iterator(cur, this); else if(item<cur->data) cur=cur->left; else cur=cur->right; } newnode=GetNode(item, NULL, NULL, par); if(par==NULL) root=newnode; else if(item<par->data) par->left=newnode; else par->right=newnode; ++size; return STree<T>::iterator(newnode, this); } template <class T> bool STree<T>::erase(const T& item) { STree<T>::iterator pos=find(item); if( pos!=end() ) erase(pos); return pos!= end(); } template <class T> void STree<T>::erase(typename STree<T>::iterator pos) { TNode<T> *del=pos.pn; if(del==NULL) return; TNode<T> *par=del->parent, *subs; if(del->left==NULL || del->right==NULL) { if(del->left==NULL) subs=del->right; else subs=del->left; if(subs != NULL) subs->parent=par; } else { subs=del->right; TNode<T> *temp=del; while(subs->left!=NULL) { temp=subs; subs=subs->left; } if(temp==del) { subs->left=del->left; subs->parent=par; subs->left->parent=subs; } else { temp->left=subs->right; //reconstructe left tree of upstream node if(subs->right!=NULL) subs->right->parent=temp; subs->left=del->left;//reconstructe left tree of substitute subs->left->parent=subs; subs->right=del->right;//reconstructe right tree of substitute subs->right->parent=subs; subs->parent=par;//modify parent pointer of substitute } } if(par==NULL) root=subs; else if(par->left==del) par->left=subs; else par->right=subs; delete del; --size; } template <class T> void STree<T>::erase(typename STree<T>::iterator first, typename STree<T>::iterator last){ STree<T>::iterator iter=first; while(iter!=last) { erase(iter); ++iter; } } template <class T> void STree<T>::LevelorderPrint() { queue< TNode<T> > parQ; queue< TNode<T> > chdQ; TNode<T> *cur=new TNode<T>; parQ.push(*root); while(!parQ.empty()) { do{ *cur=parQ.front(); parQ.pop(); cout<<cur->data<<ends; if(cur->left!=NULL) chdQ.push(*(cur->left) ); if(cur->right!=NULL) chdQ.push(*(cur->right) ); } while(!parQ.empty()); cout<<endl; parQ=chdQ; queue< TNode<T> > empty; swap(chdQ, empty); } delete cur; cur=NULL; } //iterators template <class T> typename STree<T>::iterator STree<T>::begin(){ TNode<T> *cur=root; if(cur!=NULL) while(cur->left!=NULL) cur=cur->left; return STree<T>::iterator(cur, this);//this will point to the tree who call the function } template <class T> typename STree<T>::iterator STree<T>::end(){//a null pointer will be returned, represent the last node return STree<T>::iterator(NULL, this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //binary search tree iterators template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr> class STree_iterator {//nested iterator declaration friend class STree<T>; public: typedef STree_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator; typedef STree_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr> self; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef Ref reference; typedef Ptr pointer; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; public: //constructors STree_iterator(){ pn=NULL; tree=NULL; } STree_iterator(const STree_iterator &rhs) {//copy construction pn=rhs.pn; tree=rhs.tree; } //operators bool operator==(const STree_iterator &rhs) const {return pn == rhs.pn;} bool operator!=(const STree_iterator &rhs) const {return pn != rhs.pn;} reference operator*() const{ if(pn==NULL) {cerr<<"allocate storage for new node failed!"<<endl; exit(0);} /*throw referenceError ("allocate storage for new node failed!");*/ return pn->data; } pointer operator->() const { return &( operator*() ); } self &operator++() { //move to the next node following inorder traversal TNode<T> *p; if(pn==NULL) {//pn point to the end, next should be the first one in the tree pn=tree->root; if(pn==NULL) { cerr<<"move on a empty tree!"<<endl; exit(0);} /*throw referenceError ("allocate storage for new node failed!");*/ while(pn->left!=NULL) pn=pn->left; } else if(pn->right != NULL) {//return the last node of the right subtree pn=pn->right; while(pn->left!=NULL) pn=pn->left; } else {//left subtree have been traversed and no right subtree, move to the parent p=pn->parent; while(p!=NULL && pn==p->right) { pn=p; p=p->parent; } pn=p; } return *this;//prefix, return current iterator (++iter) } self operator++(int) {//suffix iter++ self temp(pn, tree); ++(*this);//invoke ++iter; return temp;//return a object but the reference } self &operator--() { //move to the previous node following inorder traversal TNode<T> *p; if(pn==NULL) {//pn point to the end, next should be the last(not null) one in the tree pn=tree->root; if(pn==NULL) {cerr<<"move on a empty tree!"<<endl; exit(0);} /*throw referenceError ("allocate storage for new node failed!");*/ while(pn->right!=NULL) pn=pn->right; } else if(pn->left != NULL) {//return the last node of the left subtree pn=pn->left; while(pn->right!=NULL) pn=pn->right; } else {//left subtree have been traversed and no left subtree, move to the parent p=pn->parent; while(p!=NULL && pn==p->left) { pn=p; p=p->parent; } pn=p; } return *this; } self operator--(int) { self temp(pn, tree); --(*this);//invoke --iter; return temp;//return a object but the reference } private: TNode<T> *pn; STree<T> *tree; STree_iterator(TNode<T> *p, STree<T> *t):pn(p), tree(t) {} }; template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr> class STree_const_iterator{ friend class STree<T>; public: typedef STree_const_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator; typedef STree_const_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr> self; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef Ref reference; typedef Ptr pointer; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; public: STree_const_iterator(){ pn=NULL; tree=NULL; } STree_const_iterator(const STree_const_iterator &rhs){//copy construction pn=rhs.pn; tree=rhs.tree; } STree_const_iterator(const iterator &rhs){//copy construction pn=rhs.pn; tree=rhs.tree; } bool operator==(const STree_const_iterator &rhs) const {return pn == rhs.pn;} bool operator!=(const STree_const_iterator &rhs) const {return pn != rhs.pn;} const T &operator*() const { if(pn==NULL) { cerr<<"STree STree_const_iterator operator*(): NULL reference"<<endl; exit(0); } /*throw referenceError ("STree STree_const_iterator operator*(): NULL reference");*/ return pn->data; } const pointer operator->() const { return &( operator*() ); } STree_const_iterator &operator++() { //move to the next node following inorder traversal TNode<T> *p; if(pn==NULL) {//pn point to the end, next should be the first one in the tree pn=tree->root; if(pn==NULL) { cerr<<"STree STree_const_iterator operator++(): tree empty"<<endl; exit(0); } /*throw underflowError ("STree STree_const_iterator operator++(): tree empty");*/ while(pn->left!=NULL) pn=pn->left; } else if(pn->right != NULL) {//return the last node of the right subtree pn=pn->right; while(pn->left!=NULL) pn=pn->left; } else {//left subtree have been traversed and no right subtree, move to the parent p=pn->parent; while(p!=NULL && pn==p->right) { pn=p; p=p->parent; } pn=p; } return *this;//prefix, return current iterator (++iter) } STree_const_iterator operator++(int) {//suffix iter++ STree<T>::STree_const_iterator temp(pn, tree); ++(*this);//invoke ++iter; return temp;//return a object but the reference } STree_const_iterator &operator--() { //move to the previous node following inorder traversal TNode<T> *p; if(pn==NULL) {//pn point to the end, next should be the last(not null) one in the tree pn=tree->root; if(pn==NULL) throw underflowError ("STree STree_const_iterator operator++(): tree empty"); while(pn->right!=NULL) pn=pn->right; } else if(pn->left != NULL) {//return the last node of the left subtree pn=pn->left; while(pn->right!=NULL) pn=pn->right; } else {//left subtree have been traversed and no left subtree, move to the parent p=pn->parent; while(p!=NULL && pn==p->left) { pn=p; p=p->parent; } pn=p; } return *this; } STree_const_iterator operator--(int) { STree_const_iterator temp(pn, tree); --(*this);//invoke --iter; return temp;//return a object but the reference } private: const TNode<T> *pn; const STree<T> *tree; STree_const_iterator(const TNode<T> *p, const STree<T> *t):pn(p), tree(t) {} };