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python django如何使用正则搜索页面上的email地址

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python django通过正则搜索页面上的email地址

import re
from django.shortcuts import render
from pattern.web import URL, DOM, abs, find_urls

def index(request):
  find email addresses in requested url or contact page
  error = ''
  emails = set()
  url_string = request.GET.get('url', '')
  EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}', re.IGNORECASE)
  # use absolute url or domain name 
  url = URL(url_string) if url_string.startswith('http') else URL(domain=url_string,protocol='http')
  if url_string:
      # download the content of the page,http://www.75271.com
      dom = DOM(url.download(cached=True))
    except Exception, e:
      error = e
      contact_urls = { url.string }
      # search links of contact page
      for link in dom('a'):
        if re.search(r'contact|about', link.source, re.IGNORECASE):
            abs(link.attributes.get('href',''), base=url.redirect or url.string))

      for contact_url in contact_urls:
        # download contact page
        dom = DOM(URL(contact_url).download(cached=True))
        # search emails in the body of the page
        for line in dom('body')[0].content.split('\n'):
          found = EMAIL_REGEX.search(line)
          if found:

  data = {
    'url': url_string,
    'emails': emails,
    'error': error,
  return render(request, 'index.html', data)

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