python filter函数使用范例示范_python_开心洋葱网
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python filter函数使用范例示范

python 水墨上仙 1312次浏览


# Suppose you have a list of people's first names. You want to reduce the list down to only those people whose first names start with "C".
people = ['Amy', 'Alice', 'Bobby', 'Charlie', 'Connie', 'David']
# You would create a callback function that would look something like this:
def starts_with_c(name):
  if name[0] == "C":
    return True
  return False
# So then, you would run the filter function
starts_with_c_list = filter(starts_with_c, people)
print starts_with_c_list
# prints ['Charlie', 'Connie']

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