""" If you need to do something irregularly, randomly during the weekday, you often forget. This script gives you mail, sms or popup window indefinitely in random interval to remind you of doing it. It runs forever. If you want to send emails, uncomment the row sendMail() and fill variable me, to, smtp, name, login in function sendMail(). """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time, random, sys, os, smtplib if sys.version < '3': from Tkinter import * else: from tkinter import * # ----------------- variables ---------------------------------- mytimefrom=6 # from 6 pm mytimeto=22 # to 22 am mydelayfrom=1*3600 # random delay in secs from mydelayto=5*3600 # random delay in secs to randommsgnext="randommsgnext.txt" # place to save time of next message # ----------------- defs ---------------------------------- def showMessage(): # show reminder message window root=Tk() x = (root.winfo_screenwidth() - root.winfo_reqwidth()) / 2 y = (root.winfo_screenheight() - root.winfo_reqheight()) / 2 root.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) root.protocol('WM_TAKE_FOCUS', root.update ) root.wait_visibility(root) root.attributes('-topmost',1) label=Label(root, text="Do what you should do.").pack({"side": "left"}) button=Button(text="OK", width="10", command=lambda:root.destroy()).pack() root.mainloop() def sendMail(): # sends mail s = smtplib.SMTP(smtp) s.login(name, password) subject="Reminder" fromaddr=fromadr toaddrs= [toadr] text= "Do what you should do.\n%s" % time.ctime() msg = ("Subject: %s\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\n\n%s" % (subject, fromaddr, ", ".join(toaddrs), text)) s.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg) s.quit() def sendSMS(): # sends sms message={'user': user, 'password': password, 'sender': fromnumber, 'recipient': tonumber, 'message': "goodbye"} if sys.version < '3': import urllib params = urllib.urlencode(message) f=urllib.urlopen(http, params) else: import urllib.parse import urllib.request params = urllib.parse.urlencode(message) f = urllib.request.urlopen(http % params) def checktime(nowtime): # do not remind at night if nowtime.tm_hour<=mytimefrom or nowtime.tm_hour>=mytimeto: return False return True def timenextwritef(): # save next time in file f=open(randommsgnext,"a") timenext=time.mktime (nowtime)+delaysec f.write(time.ctime(timenext)+"\n") f.close() os.utime(randommsgnext, None) # ----------------- main app ---------------------------------- nowtime=time.localtime() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # to have "randommsgnext" in the same dir while True: delaysec=random.randint(mydelayfrom,mydelayto) timenextwritef() time.sleep(delaysec) nowtime=time.localtime() if checktime(nowtime): # sendSMS() # sendMail() # uncomment if you want sending mails showMessage()