逆波兰式(Reverse Polish notation,RPN,或逆波兰记法),也叫后缀表达式(将运算符写在操作数之后)
(2)如果E是E1 op E2形式的表达式,这里op是如何二元操作符,则E的后缀式为E1’E2′ op,这里E1’和E2’分别为E1和E2的后缀式。
#include #include #include typedef struct Mystack *Stack; struct Mystack { int Capacity; /* 栈的容量 */ int Top_of_stack; /* 栈顶下标 */ int *Array; /* 存放栈中元素的数组 */ }; /* 栈的创建 */ Stack CreateStack(int Max) { Stack S; S = malloc(sizeof(struct Mystack)); if (S == NULL) printf("Create stack error!\n"); S->Array = malloc(sizeof(char) * Max); if (S->Array == NULL) printf("Create stack error!\n"); S->Capacity = Max; S->Top_of_stack = 0; return S; } /* 释放栈 */ void DisposeStack(Stack S) { if (S != NULL) { free(S->Array); free(S); } } /* 判断一个栈是否是空栈 */ int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return !S->Top_of_stack; } /* 判断一个栈是否满栈 */ int IsFull(Stack S) { if (S->Top_of_stack == S->Capacity - 1) return 1; else return 0; } /* 数据入栈 */ int Push(int x, Stack S) { if (IsFull(S)) printf("The Stack is full!\n"); else S->Array[S->Top_of_stack++] = x; } /* 数据出栈 */ int Pop(Stack S) { if (IsEmpty(S)) printf("The Stack is empty!\n"); else S->Top_of_stack--; } /* 将栈顶返回 */ int Top(Stack S) { if (!IsEmpty(S)) return S->Array[S->Top_of_stack-1]; printf("The Stack is empty!\n"); return 0; } int main() { int i, len, result; char str[100]; printf("Please input the postfix that you want to compute: \n"); scanf("%s", str); len = strlen(str); /* 根据序列的长度来创建栈 */ struct Mystack *my_stack = CreateStack(len+1); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9') Push((int)str[i]-48, my_stack); else if (str[i] == '+') { int x = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); int y =Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); Push(x+y, my_stack); //printf("%d\n", Top(my_stack)); } else if (str[i] == '-') { int x = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); int y = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); Push(x-y, my_stack); //printf("%d\n", Top(my_stack)); } else if (str[i] == '*') { int x = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); int y = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); Push(x*y, my_stack); //printf("%d\n", Top(my_stack)); } else if (str[i] == '/') { int x = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); int y = Top(my_stack); Pop(my_stack); Push(x/y, my_stack); //printf("%d\n", Top(my_stack)); } } printf("The result is: %d\n", Top(my_stack)); Pop(my_stack); /* A bug */ // DisposeStack(my_stack); return 0; }