This computer is running Hyper-V. VirtualBox won’t boot a 64bits VM when Hyper-V 错误解决 DockerToolbox_docker_开心洋葱网
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This computer is running Hyper-V. VirtualBox won’t boot a 64bits VM when Hyper-V 错误解决 DockerToolbox

docker 开心洋葱 3009次浏览 13个评论

Command failed: D:\PFiles\DockerToolbox\docker-machine.exe -D create -d virtualbox –virtualbox-memory 2048 default,Docker Machine Version: 0.13.0, build 9ba6da9,Found binary path at D:\PFiles\DockerToolbox\docker-machine.exe,Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox,Plugin server listening at address,() Calling .GetVersion,Using API Version 1,() Calling .SetConfigRaw,() Calling .GetMachineName,(flag-lookup) Calling .GetMachineName,(flag-lookup) Calling .DriverName,(flag-lookup) Calling .GetCreateFlags,Found binary path at D:\PFiles\DockerToolbox\docker-machine.exe,Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox,Plugin server listening at address,() Calling .GetVersion,Using API Version 1,() Calling .SetConfigRaw,() Calling .GetMachineName,(default) Calling .GetMachineName,(default) Calling .DriverName,(default) Calling .GetCreateFlags,(default) Calling .SetConfigFromFlags,(default) Calling .PreCreateCheck,(default) DBG | COMMAND: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe –version,(default) DBG | STDOUT:,(default) DBG | {,(default) DBG | 5.2.0r118431,(default) DBG | },(default) DBG | STDERR:,(default) DBG | {,(default) DBG | },(default) DBG | COMMAND: wmic computersystem get hypervisorpresent,(default) DBG | STDOUT:,(default) DBG | {,(default) DBG | HypervisorPresent ,(default) DBG | TRUE ,(default) DBG | ,(default) DBG | },Error with pre-create check: “This computer is running Hyper-V. VirtualBox won’t boot a 64bits VM when Hyper-V is activated. Either use Hyper-V as a driver, or disable the Hyper-V hypervisor. (To skip this check, use –virtualbox-no-vtx-check)”,open C:\Users\Administrator\.docker\machine\machines\default\default\Logs\VBox.log: The system cannot find the path specified.,notifying bugsnag: [Error with pre-create check: “This computer is running Hyper-V. VirtualBox won’t boot a 64bits VM when Hyper-V is activated. Either use Hyper-V as a driver, or disable the Hyper-V hypervisor. (To skip this check, use –virtualbox-no-vtx-check)”],bugsnag.Notify: [bugsnag/payload.deliver: Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.],



Running pre-create checks…
Error with pre-create check: “This computer is running Hyper-V. VirtualBox won’t boot a 64bits VM when Hyper-V is activated. Either use Hyper-V as a driver, or disable the Hyper-V hypervisor. (To skip this check, use –virtualbox-no-vtx-check)”
Looks like something went wrong in step ´Checking if machine default exists´… Press any key to continue…

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  1. 想学习一下解决方案
    lc253292342019-08-09 11:49
  2. chou ,
    董胥祥2018-12-12 12:45
  3. 想学习一下解决方案
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    shaoguangming2018-10-16 14:37
  5. ....
    shaoguangming2018-10-16 14:36
  6. 我先看看,感谢分享
    tianzheng2018-09-28 15:31
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    xiaqi5212018-07-11 16:18
  8. rwerewrewrererere e
    pretenders2018-06-19 18:35
  9. 1231231242fsafsadfadsf
    hai123412018-05-29 14:32
  10. 好像没有解决问题
    何垣鑫2018-05-13 23:23
  11. 1234567890
    何垣鑫2018-05-13 23:22
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