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# $Id: testquote.py 2924 2006-11-19 22:24:22Z fredrik $
# delayed stock quote demo (www.xmethods.com)
from elementsoap.ElementSOAP import *
class QuoteService(SoapService):
    url = ""   # Put webservice URL here.
    def getQuote(self, symbol):
        action = "urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes#getQuote"
        request = SoapRequest("{urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes}getQuote")  # Create the SOAP request
        SoapElement(request, "symbol", "string", symbol)                # Add parameters
        response = self.call(action, request)                           # Call webservice
        return float(response.findtext("Result"))                       # Parse the answer and return it
q = QuoteService()
print "MSFT", q.getQuote("MSFT")
print "LNUX", q.getQuote("LNUX")


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