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python 水墨上仙 2630次浏览


# remove all jpeg image files of an expired modification date = mtime
# you could also use creation date (ctime) or last access date (atime)
# os.stat(filename) returns (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime)
# tested with Python24   vegaseat  6/7/2005
import os, glob, time
root = 'D:\\Vacation\\Poland2003\\' # one specific folder
#root = 'D:\\Vacation\\*'          # or all the subfolders too
# expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
xDate = '2003-12-31'
print '-'*50
for folder in glob.glob(root):
    print folder
    # here .jpg image files, but could be .txt files or whatever
    for image in glob.glob(folder + '/*.jpg'):
        # retrieves the stats for the current jpeg image file
        # the tuple element at index 8 is the last-modified-date
        stats = os.stat(image)
        # put the two dates into matching format    
        lastmodDate = time.localtime(stats[8])
        expDate = time.strptime(xDate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        print image, time.strftime("%m/%d/%y", lastmodDate)
        # check if image-last-modified-date is outdated
        if  expDate > lastmodDate:
                print 'Removing', image, time.strftime("(older than %m/%d/%y)", expDate)
                #os.remove(image)  # commented out for testing
            except OSError:
                print 'Could not remove', image

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