#include <iostream> #include <string> std::string conv(int decimal, int base); int main(void){ std::cout << "Binary\tOctal\tDecimal\tHexidecimal"<< std::endl; std::cout << conv(50, 2) << '\t' << conv(50, 8) << '\t'; std::cout << conv(50, 10) << '\t' << conv(50, 16); return 0; } std::string conv(int decimal, int base){ if(decimal == 0) return "0"; char NUMS[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Characters that may be used std::string result = ""; // Create empty string ready for data to be appended do{ result.push_back(NUMS[decimal%base]); // Append the appropriate character in NUMS based on the equation decimal%base decimal /= base; // Calculate new value of decimal }while(decimal != 0); // Do while used for slight optimisation return std::string(result.rbegin(), result.rend()); // using std::string() constructer with iterators to reverse the string }