C++ 归并排序算法
//Merge sort //programming by : Erfan Nasoori //Email : ketn68@yahoo.com //Date of sent : 2009/1/21 #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> //function declaration void merge(int[],int[],int[],int,int); // MERGE sort function void bubblesortAsce(int[],int); // ASCENDING sort function void bubblesortDesce(int[],int); // DESCENDING sort function void main() { int a[100],b[100],c[200],m,n,s,i; char key; cout<<"Well come to merge sort program of C++ ."<<endl; do{ cout<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<"How many number do you need for array a?"<< endl; cout<<"m="; cin>>m; cout<<"Now please enter m numbers in array a :"<<endl; for(i=0;i<m;++i) { cout<<"element["<<(i+1)<<"]="; cin>>a[i]; } bubblesortAsce(a,m); cout<<"a ASCENDING sorted is:"<<endl; for(i=0;i<m;++i) { cout<<" "<<a[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<"How many number do you need for array b?"<<endl; cout<<"n="; cin>>n; cout<<"Now please enter n numbers in array b :"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { cout<<"element["<<(i+1)<<"]="; cin>>b[i]; } bubblesortDesce(b,n); cout<<"b DESCENDING sorted is:"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { cout<<" "<<b[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<"array c is merged array."<<endl; merge(a,b,c,m,n); for(i=0;i<m+n;++i) { cout<<" "<<c[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<"\n\nDo you want to continue to work by program?"<<endl; cout<<"If you want it press y ,whereas press any key."<<endl; cin>>key; } while(key=='y' || key=='Y'); } //function implementation///////////////////// void bubblesortAsce(int x[],int y) { int i,j,hold; for(i=1;i<=y-1;++i) for(j=0;j<y-i;++j) { if(x[j] > x[j+1]) { hold=x[j]; x[j]=x[j+1]; x[j+1]=hold; } } } //function implementation///////////////////// void bubblesortDesce(int z[],int w) { int i,j,hold; for(i=1;i<=w-1;++i) for(j=0;j<w-i;++j) { if(z[j] < z[j+1]) { hold=z[j]; z[j]=z[j+1]; z[j+1]=hold; } } } //function implementation///////////////////// void merge(int x[],int z[],int ME[],int y,int w) { int i,j,l,s; s=w+y; for(i=0,j=w-1,l=0 ; i<y && j>=0 ; ) if(x[i]<z[j]) { ME[l]=x[i]; ++i; ++l; } else { ME[l]=z[j]; --j; ++l; } if(y>w) for(; i<y;++i,l++) ME[l]=x[i]; else for(; j>=0; l++,--j) ME[l]=z[j]; }