C# 中使用非托管代码(使用指针的代码)_OC/C/C++_开心洋葱网
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C# 中使用非托管代码(使用指针的代码)

OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 2082次浏览

本示例演示了如何在 C# 中使用非托管代码(使用指针的代码)。

// printversion.cs
// 编译时使用:/unsafe
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// 为此程序集指定一个版本号:
public class Win32Imports 
	public static extern bool GetFileVersionInfo (string sFileName,
		int handle, int size, byte[] infoBuffer);
	public static extern int GetFileVersionInfoSize (string sFileName,
		out int handle);
	// 自动将第三个参数“out string pValue”从 Ansi
	// 封送处理为 Unicode:
	unsafe public static extern bool VerQueryValue (byte[] pBlock,
		string pSubBlock, out string pValue, out uint len);
	// 此 VerQueryValue 重载被标记为“unsafe”,因为
	// 它使用 short*:
	unsafe public static extern bool VerQueryValue (byte[] pBlock,
		string pSubBlock, out short *pValue, out uint len);
public class C 
	// Main 被标记为“unsafe”,因为它使用指针:
	unsafe public static int Main () 
			int handle = 0;
			// 确定有多少版本信息:
			int size =
				out handle);
			if (size == 0) return -1;
			byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
			if (!Win32Imports.GetFileVersionInfo("printversion.exe", handle, size, buffer))
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to query file version information.");
				return 1;
			short *subBlock = null;
			uint len = 0;
			// 从版本信息获取区域设置信息:
			if (!Win32Imports.VerQueryValue (buffer, @"\VarFileInfo\Translation", out subBlock, out len))
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to query version information.");
				return 1;
			string spv = @"\StringFileInfo\" + subBlock[0].ToString("X4") + subBlock[1].ToString("X4") + @"\ProductVersion";
			byte *pVersion = null;
			// 获取此程序的 ProductVersion 值:
			string versionInfo;
			if (!Win32Imports.VerQueryValue (buffer, spv, out versionInfo, out len))
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to query version information.");
				return 1;
			Console.WriteLine ("ProductVersion == {0}", versionInfo);
		catch (Exception e) 
			Console.WriteLine ("Caught unexpected exception " + e.Message);
		return 0;

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