ISAAC 随机数生成器_JavaScript_开心洋葱网
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ISAAC 随机数生成器

JavaScript 水墨上仙 1299次浏览

ISAAC 随机数生成器

isaacRand.js: By Josh Weinstein, based on By Bob Jenkins.  My random number generator, ISAAC.
  rand.init() -- initialize
  rand.val()  -- get a random value
  960327: Creation (addition of randinit, really)
  970719: use context, not global variables, for internal state
  980224: Translate to Java
20120820: Translate to Javascript
Rand = (function () {
  /* final static int */
  var SIZEL = 8;              /* log of size of rsl[] and mem[] */
  var SIZE = 1<<SIZEL;               /* size of rsl[] and mem[] */
  var MASK = (SIZE-1)<<2;            /* for pseudorandom lookup */
  /* public */
  var count;                           /* count through the results in rsl[] */
  var rsl = [];                                /* the results given to the user */
  /* private */
  var mem = [];                                   /* the internal state */
  var a = 0;                                              /* accumulator */
  var b = 0;                                          /* the last result */
  var c = 0;              /* counter, guarantees cycle is at least 2^^40 */
function Rand(seed) {
  var that = this;
  this.count = 0;
  /* no seed, equivalent to randinit(ctx,FALSE) in C */
  function start_Rand() {
    mem = new Array(SIZE);
    that.rsl = rsl = new Array(SIZE);
  /* equivalent to randinit(ctx, TRUE) after putting seed in randctx in C */
  function start_seed_Rand(seed) {
    mem = new Array(SIZE);
    that.rsl = rsl = new Array(SIZE);
    for (var i=0; i<seed.length; ++i) {
      rsl[i] = seed[i];
  if (seed) {
  } else {
  console.log(this.count, this.rsl[0], this.rsl[0] === rsl[0]);
  /* Generate 256 results.  This is a fast (not small) implementation. */
  /* public final void */ function Isaac() {
    /* int */ var i, j, x, y;
    if (this.rsl && typeof this.rsl[0] === "number") rsl = this.rsl;
    b += ++c;
    for (i=0, j=SIZE/2; i<SIZE/2;) {
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a<<13;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a>>>6;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a<<2;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a>>>16;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
    for (j=0; j<SIZE/2;) {
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a<<13;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a>>>6;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a<<2;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
      x = mem[i];
      a ^= a>>>16;
      a += mem[j++];
      mem[i] = y = mem[(x&MASK)>>2] + a + b;
      rsl[i++] = b = mem[((y>>SIZEL)&MASK)>>2] + x;
  /* initialize, or reinitialize, this instance of rand */
  /* public final void */ function Init(/* boolean */ flag) {
    var i;
    var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
    a=b=c=d=e=f=g=h=0x9e3779b9;                        /* the golden ratio */
    for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
      a^=b<<11;  d+=a; b+=c;
      b^=c>>>2;  e+=b; c+=d;
      c^=d<<8;   f+=c; d+=e;
      d^=e>>>16; g+=d; e+=f;
      e^=f<<10;  h+=e; f+=g;
      f^=g>>>4;  a+=f; g+=h;
      g^=h<<8;   b+=g; h+=a;
      h^=a>>>9;  c+=h; a+=b;
    for (i=0; i<SIZE; i+=8) {              /* fill in mem[] with messy stuff */
      if (flag) {
	a+=rsl[i  ]; b+=rsl[i+1]; c+=rsl[i+2]; d+=rsl[i+3];
	e+=rsl[i+4]; f+=rsl[i+5]; g+=rsl[i+6]; h+=rsl[i+7];
      a^=b<<11;  d+=a; b+=c;
      b^=c>>>2;  e+=b; c+=d;
      c^=d<<8;   f+=c; d+=e;
      d^=e>>>16; g+=d; e+=f;
      e^=f<<10;  h+=e; f+=g;
      f^=g>>>4;  a+=f; g+=h;
      g^=h<<8;   b+=g; h+=a;
      h^=a>>>9;  c+=h; a+=b;
      mem[i  ]=a; mem[i+1]=b; mem[i+2]=c; mem[i+3]=d;
      mem[i+4]=e; mem[i+5]=f; mem[i+6]=g; mem[i+7]=h;
    if (flag) {           /* second pass makes all of seed affect all of mem */
      for (i=0; i<SIZE; i+=8) {
	a+=mem[i  ]; b+=mem[i+1]; c+=mem[i+2]; d+=mem[i+3];
	e+=mem[i+4]; f+=mem[i+5]; g+=mem[i+6]; h+=mem[i+7];
	a^=b<<11;  d+=a; b+=c;
	b^=c>>>2;  e+=b; c+=d;
	c^=d<<8;   f+=c; d+=e;
	d^=e>>>16; g+=d; e+=f;
	e^=f<<10;  h+=e; f+=g;
	f^=g>>>4;  a+=f; g+=h;
	g^=h<<8;   b+=g; h+=a;
	h^=a>>>9;  c+=h; a+=b;
	mem[i  ]=a; mem[i+1]=b; mem[i+2]=c; mem[i+3]=d;
	mem[i+4]=e; mem[i+5]=f; mem[i+6]=g; mem[i+7]=h;
    this.count = count = SIZE;
  /* Call rand.val() to get a random value */
  /* public final int */ function val() {
    if (0 == this.count--) {
      this.count = SIZE-1;
    return this.rsl[this.count];
  /* public static void */ function main(/* String[] */ args) {
    var  seed = new Array(256); // int[256];
    /* Rand */ x = new Rand(seed);
    for (var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
      for (var j=0; j<Rand.SIZE; ++j) {
	/* String z = Integer.toHexString(x.rsl[j]); */
        var z = x.get(j).toString(16);
	while (z.length < 8) z = "0"+z;
        if ((j&7)==7) console.log("");
/* public */
Rand.prototype = {
	Isaac: Isaac, 
	Init: Init,
	val: val,	
	get: function(j) { return this.rsl[j]; }, 
	cloned: function() { return this.rsl.slice() },
/* public static */
Rand.main = main;
return Rand;

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