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JavaScript 水墨上仙 1653次浏览

The .load() function fires when the element it’s called upon is fully loaded. It is commonly used on images, which may not be fully loaded when the JavaScript originally runs, and thus would return incorrect information about themselves (e.g. height/width). Most browsers deal with this fine. IE can cause problems, when images on the page are cached.
Selecting the image and changing it’s src attribute to append a random parameter (based on the date). This will trick IE into firing the .load() function properly.

myImge = $("<img />")
   .attr("src",anyDynamicSource+ "?" + new Date().getTime());


$(myImge).load(function() {
   alert("will alert even in IE")

开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明jquery修改ie的.load,不从缓存加载图片
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