import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.util.BitSet; public class URLEncoder { private static final char [] IGNORED_BY_DEFAULT = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!*()-_'.~".toCharArray(); private static final char [] HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray(); private static final URLEncoder DEFAULT = new URLEncoder(); public static CharSequence encode( CharSequence s ) { return getDefaultInstance().encodeURIComponent( s ); } public static URLEncoder getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT; } /** * Convert a number to a character array, using the provided buffer. * * @param number * the number to convert * @param array * the buffer in which to store the character representation of the converted number * @param mapping * an array of characters whose index corresponds to the character representing that * digit. The length of this array determines in which base the number will be * represented in the given array. * @return the given array, after modification. If the array's length is greater than is * necessary, its contents will be right-aligned and left-padded with the mapping for * the number zero. For example, the result of * {@code itoa( 5, new char[8], "01".toCharArray() )} would be "00000101". */ public static char [] itoa( int number, char [] array, char [] mapping ) { int count = 0; int maximum = array.length - 1; for( int value = number; value > 0; value /= mapping.length ) { int digit = value % mapping.length; value -= digit; array[maximum - count] = mapping[digit]; count++; } if( count <= maximum ) { for( int zero = count; zero <= maximum; zero++ ) { array[maximum - zero] = mapping[0]; } } return array; } public static char [] itoa( int number, int arrayLength, char [] mapping ) { return itoa( number, new char [arrayLength], mapping ); } public static char [] itoa( int number, int arrayLength, String mapping ) { return itoa( number, arrayLength, mapping.toCharArray() ); } private final char [] a = new char [2]; private final BitSet ignored = new BitSet( 256 ); public URLEncoder() { this( IGNORED_BY_DEFAULT ); } /** * Constructs a new URL encoder that encodes everything except the given characters. * * @param unencodedCharacters * an array of characters to ignore when encoding. */ public URLEncoder( char [] unencodedCharacters ) { for( int i = 0; i < unencodedCharacters.length; i++ ) { ignored.set( unencodedCharacters[i] ); } } public URLEncoder( String unencodedCharacters ) { this( unencodedCharacters.toCharArray() ); } public CharSequence encodeURIComponent( CharSequence s ) { CharBuffer out = CharBuffer.allocate( s.length() * 3 ); out.limit( s.length() ); for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ ) { char c = s.charAt( i ); if( ignored.get( c ) ) { out.append( c ); } else { out.append( '%' ); out.limit( out.limit() + 2 ); itoa( c, a, HEX ); out.append( a[0] ); out.append( a[1] ); } } out.position( 0 ); return out; } }