[jQuery] 超实用的图片列表布局切换效果_JavaScript_开心洋葱网
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[jQuery] 超实用的图片列表布局切换效果

JavaScript 水墨上仙 2104次浏览

jQuery 超实用的图片列表布局切换效果,这个效果相当实用,淘宝购物有这种效果,平时打开网页的时候是一种布局排列,当用户选择布局模式时,它会以动画方式切换,很有意思也挺新颖的。

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<title>jQuery 超实用的图片列表布局切换效果</title>
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a.swap {
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			<a href="#"><img src="/jscss/demoimg/201008/sample1.gif" alt="Sample"></a>
			<h4><a href="#">Sunflowa Media</a></h4>
			<p>Hey, I'm Airos Chou.</p>
			<p>I am a freelance web designer & graphic designer based in Shanghai, CN. I make Green Environment Protection website, accessible websites that are easy to use and easy for our life.</p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="/jscss/demoimg/201008/sample2.gif" alt="Sample"></a>
			<h4><a href="#">Sunflowa Media</a></h4>
			<p>Hey, I'm Airos Chou.</p>
			<p>I am a freelance web designer & graphic designer based in Shanghai, CN. I make Green Environment Protection website, accessible websites that are easy to use and easy for our life.</p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="/jscss/demoimg/201008/sample3.gif" alt="Sample"></a>
			<h4><a href="#">Sunflowa Media</a></h4>
			<p>Hey, I'm Airos Chou.</p>
			<p>I am a freelance web designer & graphic designer based in Shanghai, CN. I make Green Environment Protection website, accessible websites that are easy to use and easy for our life.</p>

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