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OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 1246次浏览


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
public class MyClass
    public static string ReplaceText(string text, string search, string replace, string options)
        RegexOptions ops = RegexOptions.None;
        if (options == null)  //纯文本替换
			search = search.Replace(".", @".");
			search = search.Replace("?", @"?");
			search = search.Replace("*", @"*");
			search = search.Replace("(", @"(");
			search = search.Replace(")", @")");
			search = search.Replace("[", @"[");
			search = search.Replace("[", @"[");
			search = search.Replace("[", @"[");
			search = search.Replace("{", @"{");
			search = search.Replace("}", @"}");
			ops |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
			if(options.Contains("I"))ops |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
        text = Regex.Replace(text, search, replace, ops);
        return text;
    public static bool ReplaceFile(string filename, string search, string replace,string options)
        FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filename);
        byte b;
        for (long i = 0; i < fs.Length; i++)
			b = (byte)fs.ReadByte();
			if (b == 0)
				return false;//有此字节则表示改文件不是文本文件。就不用替换了
        byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
        Encoding coding=Encoding.Default;
        if (fs.Read(bytes, 0, 2) > 2)
			if (bytes == new byte[2] { 0xFF, 0xFE }) coding = Encoding.Unicode;
			if (bytes == new byte[2] { 0xFE, 0xFF }) coding = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
			if (bytes == new byte[2] { 0xEF, 0xBB }) coding = Encoding.UTF8;
        string text=File.ReadAllText(filename, coding);
        text=ReplaceText(text,search, replace, options);
        File.WriteAllText(filename, text, coding);
        return true;

	public static void RunSnippet()
		string path=@"D:\Desktop\Desktop\Asm";
		string options=null;
		if (Directory.Exists(path))
			foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(path))
				ReplaceFile(f, "	using", "@@@@@@@@", options);ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Threading;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Text;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Text.RegularExpressions;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Runtime.Serialization;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Reflection;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Reflection.Emit;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Linq.Expressions;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.IO;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Globalization;", "", options);
			foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(path))
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Diagnostics;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Collections;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Collections.Specialized;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.Collections.Generic;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Utilities;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.MethodRecorders;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Interfaces;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl.RemotingMock;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl.InvocationSpecifications;", "", options);
			foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(path))
ReplaceFile(f, "using System.ComponentModel;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl.Invocation;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl.Invocation.Specifications;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Impl.Invocation.Actions;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Generated;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Expectations;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Rhino.Mocks.Constraints;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Castle.DynamicProxy;", "", options);
ReplaceFile(f, "using Castle.Core.Interceptor;", "", options);
				ReplaceFile(f, "@@@@@@@@", "	using", options);
			foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(path))
	#region Helper methods
	public static void Main()
		catch (Exception e)
			string error = string.Format("---\nThe following error occurred while executing the snippet:\n{0}\n---", e.ToString());
			Console.Write("Press any key to continue...");

	private static void WL(object text, params object[] args)
		Console.WriteLine(text.ToString(), args);	
	private static void RL()
	private static void Break() 


开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明C#目录内文件批量查找替换字符串内容
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