C# 修改指定文件的最后修改时间的时间戳_OC/C/C++_开心洋葱网
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C# 修改指定文件的最后修改时间的时间戳

OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 2377次浏览

C# 修改指定文件的最后修改时间的时间戳

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace RobvanderWoude
	class CloneDate
		static int Main( string[] args )
			bool debug = false;
			switch ( args.Length )
				case 0:
					return WriteError( string.Empty );
				case 2:
				case 3:
					if ( args[2].Substring( 0, 2 ).ToUpper( ) == "/D" )
						debug = true;
						return WriteError( "Invalid command line argument(s)" );
					return WriteError( "Invalid number of command line arguments" );
				string sourcefile = args[0];
				// Check if a source file was specified
				if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( sourcefile ) )
					return WriteError( "Invalid source file specification" );
				// Check if the source file name is valid, and make sure to use its full path
					sourcefile = Path.GetFullPath( sourcefile ).Trim( '"' );
				catch ( ArgumentException )
					return WriteError( "No wildcards allowed in source file" );
				// Check if the source file exists
				if ( !File.Exists( sourcefile ) )
					return WriteError( "File not found: \"" + sourcefile + "\"" );
				string targetspec = args[1];
				if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( targetspec ) )
					return WriteError( "Invalid target file specification" );
				// Check if the target directory exists
				string targetdir = string.Empty;
					targetdir = Path.GetDirectoryName( targetspec );
					if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( targetdir ) )
						targetdir = Path.GetFullPath( "." );
				catch ( ArgumentException )
					return WriteError( "Target folder not found: \"" + targetspec + "\"" );
				// Extract the FILE specification (removing the path)
				string targetfilespec = string.Empty;
				if ( targetspec.IndexOf( "\\" ) == -1 )
					targetfilespec = targetspec;
					targetfilespec = targetspec.Substring( targetspec.LastIndexOf( "\\" ) + 1 );
				string[] targetfiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles( targetdir, targetfilespec ).ToArray<string>( );
				DateTime timestamp = File.GetLastWriteTime( sourcefile );
				int count = 0;
				foreach ( string targetfile in targetfiles )
					if ( targetfile.ToUpper( ) != sourcefile.ToUpper( ) )
						if ( debug )
							Console.WriteLine( "File   : {0}", targetfile );
							Console.WriteLine( "Before : {0}", File.GetLastWriteTime( targetfile ) );
						File.SetLastWriteTime( targetfile, timestamp );
						if ( debug )
							Console.WriteLine( "After  : {0}", File.GetLastWriteTime( targetfile ) );
							Console.WriteLine( );
				if ( debug )
					Console.WriteLine( "{0} matching file{1}", count, ( count == 1 ? "" : "s" ) );
				if ( count == 0 )
					return WriteError( "No matching target files: \"" + targetspec + "\"" );
				return 0;
			catch ( Exception e )
				return WriteError( e.Message );
		public static int WriteError( Exception e )
			return WriteError( e == null ? null : e.Message );
		public static int WriteError( string errorMessage )
			CloneDate.exe,  Version 0.50 BETA
			Modify the LastModified date (timestamp) of the target file(s) to
			match the specified source file's timestamp
			Usage:    CloneDate.exe  sourcefile  targetfiles  [ /Debug ]
			Where:    sourcefile     is the file whose timestamp is to be cloned
			          targetfiles    are the files whose timestamp are to be modified
			                         (single filespec, wildcards * and ? are allowed)
			          /Debug         displays file name and timestamps before and
			                         after modification for each matching file
			Example:  CloneDate.exe C:\boot.ini C:\test.log
			          will change C:\test.log's timestamp to match C:\boot.ini's
			Notes:    Target filespec may include sourcefile (sourcefile will be skipped).
			          Always be careful when using wildcards; they may also return matching
			          "short" (8.3) file names (for backwards compatibility with FAT16).
			Written by Rob van der Woude
			if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( errorMessage ) )
				Console.Error.WriteLine( );
				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
				Console.Error.Write( "ERROR: " );
				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
				Console.Error.WriteLine( errorMessage );
				Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "CloneDate.exe,  Version 0.50 BETA" );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "Modify the LastModified date (timestamp) of the target\nfile(s) to match the specified source file's timestamp" );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.Write( "Usage:    " );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "CloneDate.exe  sourcefile  targetfiles" );
			Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.Write( "Where:    " );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.Write( "sourcefile" );
			Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "     is the file whose timestamp is to be cloned" );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.Write( "          targetfiles" );
			Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "    are the files whose timestamp are to be modified\n                         (single filespec, wildcards * and ? are allowed)" );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.Write( "          /D" );
			Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "ebug         displays file name and timestamps before and\n                         after modification for each matching file" );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.Write( "Example:  " );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "CloneDate.exe C:\\boot.ini C:\\test.log" );
			Console.ResetColor( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "          will change C:\\test.log's timestamp to match C:\\boot.ini's" );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "Notes:    Target filespec may include sourcefile (sourcefile will be skipped)." );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "          Always be careful when using wildcards; they may also return matching\n          \"short\" (8.3) file names (for backwards compatibility with FAT16)." );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );
			Console.Error.WriteLine( "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" );
			return 1;

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