run replication failed: start document replication failed: document syncer sync ns_OC/C/C++_开心洋葱网
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run replication failed: start document replication failed: document syncer sync ns

OC/C/C++ 开心洋葱 2160次浏览 1个评论

mongo-shake mongodb 同步报错数据库同步后会少库现象解决

mongo-shake-v2.4.20-test]# ./ collector.conf

tail -f logs/collector.log
tail -f hypervisor.output
[21:55:40 EDT 2021/03/14] [CRIT] (main.startup:139) run replication failed: start document replication failed: document syncer sync ns {license contentDictionary} to {license contentDictionary} failed. start collectionSync failed: no reachable servers
– child process[44729] terminated .
– read zero from pipe of children.
– extra info: – normal termination, exit status = 250

– process: “./collector.linux” exit, restart it
– execute: “./collector.linux”



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  1. 求答案
    aLi2021-09-18 12:03