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OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 1653次浏览


// Program shows copying one text file from source location
// to any other location (destination), plus possibility of changing its name, 
// and also shows many language features in exception handling.
// This program should be run from the command prompt
using namespace std;
class PathError : public runtime_error
        PathError(const char *x) : runtime_error(x)
// function to open source file for read
FILE* source (char* argvs[])
    FILE *in;
    //open source file for read
    if((in = fopen(argvs[1],"r"))==NULL)
        throw PathError("attempted to open wrong input file path");//terminate function
    return in;
//function to create destination file for writting
FILE* destination (char* argvs[])
    FILE *out;
    //open destination file for write
    if((out = fopen(argvs[2],"w")) == NULL)
        throw PathError("attempted to open wrong output file path");//terminate function
    return out;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *in, *out;
    bool flag = 1;
    int temp;
    while(argc == 3)
            in = source( argv );
            out = destination( argv );
            argc = 0;
        catch(PathError& PathError)
            cerr <<"\nException occured: " << PathError.what() << endl;
            return -1;
        while(!feof(in))//test for it is not end of input file
            temp = fgetc(in);//get char from (in)file
            if( temp != EOF)
                fputc(temp,out);//put char to (out) file
        cout<<"\n\t 1 file copied.\n";
        flag = 0;
    if( flag != 0 )
        cerr<<"\nWrong argument list!!!\n\n";
        return -1;
    return 0;

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