<?php $filename = $_GET['filename']; // Modify this line to indicate the location of the files you want people to be able to download // This path must not contain a trailing slash. ie. /temp/files/download $download_path = "ficheros/"; // Make sure we can't download files above the current directory location. if(eregi("\.\.", $filename)) die("I'm sorry, you may not download that file."); $file = str_replace("..", "", $filename); // Make sure we can't download .ht control files. if(eregi("\.ht.+", $filename)) die("I'm sorry, you may not download that file."); // Combine the download path and the filename to create the full path to the file. $file = "$download_path$file"; // Test to ensure that the file exists. if(!file_exists($file)) die("I'm sorry, the file doesn't seem to exist."); // Extract the type of file which will be sent to the browser as a header $type = filetype($file); // Get a date and timestamp $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); $time = time(); // Send file headers header("Content-type: $type"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); // Send the file contents. set_time_limit(0); readfile($file); ?>