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PHP 水墨上仙 2208次浏览 0个评论


function RandomQuoteByInterval($TimeBase, $QuotesArray){
    // Make sure it is a integer
    $TimeBase = intval($TimeBase);
    // How many items are in the array?
    $ItemCount = count($QuotesArray);
    // By using the modulus operator we get a pseudo
    // random index position that is between zero and the
    // maximal value (ItemCount)
    $RandomIndexPos = ($TimeBase % $ItemCount);
    // Now return the random array element
    return $QuotesArray[$RandomIndexPos];
** --> See the example section below for a
**     detailed instruction.
// Use the day of the year to get a daily changing
// quote changing (z = 0 till 365)
$DayOfTheYear = date('z'); 
// You could also use:
//  --> date('m'); // Quote changes every month
//  --> date('h'); // Quote changes every hour
//  --> date('i'); // Quote changes every minute
// Example array with some random quotes
$RandomQuotes = array(
    'No animals were harmed in the making of this snippet.',
    'Nice snippets',
    'The modulus operator rocks!',
    'PHP is cool.'
print RandomQuoteByInterval($DayOfTheYear, $RandomQuotes);
// --> returns "PHP is cool." on September 25, 2007

开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明php实现每天自动变换的随机问候语
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