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PHP 水墨上仙 2748次浏览 0个评论

本代码演示了如何通过php的 similar_text函数比较两个字符串的相似性

$word2compare = "stupid";
$words = array(
    'stu and pid',
while(list($id, $str) = each($words)){
    similar_text($str, $word2compare, $percent);
    print "Comparing '$word2compare' with '$str': ";
    print round($percent) . "%\n";
Comparing 'stupid' with 'stupid': 100%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'stu and pid': 71%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'hello': 0%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'foobar': 0%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'stpid': 91%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'upid': 80%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'stuuupid': 86%
Comparing 'stupid' with 'sstuuupiiid': 71%

开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明php比较相似字符串
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