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C# 字符串方法和属性的示范代码

OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 2003次浏览


using System;
class StringMethods
   static void Main()
      char[] characterArray;
      int position;
      string result, string1;
      string1 = "The education of Cissy!";
      characterArray = new char[30];
      // create the output string
      result = "string = \"" + string1 + "\"";
      // Length property
      result += "\nstring length = " + string1.Length;
      // IndexOf method (returns -1 if not found)
      position = string1.IndexOf ("e");
      result += "\nstring contains an 'e' at index: " 
         + position;
      // find another "e"
      position = string1.IndexOf ("e", position + 1);
      result += "\nstring contains a second 'e' at index: "
         + position;
      // Search/Find a substring (returns True or False)
      if (string1.Contains ("Cissy"))
      result += "\nstring contains 'Cissy' --> "
         + string1.Contains ("Cissy");
      // Search/Find a substring position
      position = string1.IndexOf("Cissy");
      result += "\n'Cissy' starts at index: "
         + position;
      // change case of string
      result += "\nlower case string: \""
         + string1.ToLower() + "\"";
      result += "\nupper case string: \""
         + string1.ToUpper() + "\"";
      // indexing, loop through characters 
      // in string1 and display in reverse order
      result += "\nreverse string: \"";
      for (int i = string1.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         result += string1[i];
      // Replace method
      result += "\"\nreplace 'educ' with 'matur': ";
      result += "\"" + string1.Replace ("educ", "matur") + "\"";
      // Use the CopyTo method to copy characters 
      // from string1 into characterArray
      string1.CopyTo (0, characterArray, 0, 6);
      result += "\nFirst 6 characters of array contain: \"";
      // display array
      for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         result += characterArray[i];
      Console.WriteLine (result +
         "\"\n\n(Press \"Enter\" to exit.)");

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