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PHP 水墨上仙 2422次浏览 0个评论


function RandomFile($folder='', $extensions='.*'){
    // fix path:
    $folder = trim($folder);
    $folder = ($folder == '') ? './' : $folder;
    // check folder:
    if (!is_dir($folder)){ die('invalid folder given!'); }
    // create files array
    $files = array();
    // open directory
    if ($dir = @opendir($folder)){
        // go trough all files:
        while($file = readdir($dir)){
            if (!preg_match('/^\.+$/', $file) and 
                preg_match('/\.('.$extensions.')$/', $file)){
                // feed the array:
                $files[] = $file;                
        // close directory
    else {
        die('Could not open the folder "'.$folder.'"');
    if (count($files) == 0){
        die('No files where found :-(');
    // seed random function:
    // get an random index:
    $rand = mt_rand(0, count($files)-1);
    // check again:
    if (!isset($files[$rand])){
        die('Array index was not found! very strange!');
    // return the random file:
    return $folder . $files[$rand];
// "jpg|png|gif" matches all files with these extensions
print RandomFile('test_images/','jpg|png|gif');
// returns test_07.gif
// ".*" matches all extensions (all files)
print RandomFile('test_files/','.*');
// returns foobar_1.zip
// "[0-9]+" matches all extensions that just 
// contain numbers (like backup.1, backup.2)
print RandomFile('test_files/','[0-9]+');
// returns backup.7

开心洋葱 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨未经授权请勿修改 , 转载请注明php从文件夹随机读取文件
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