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OC/C/C++ 水墨上仙 2587次浏览


namespace CCB_Donet.ClassFolder
    public class FieldRuleInfo
        public string gStrFNo;
        public string gStrFName;
        public string gStrFLock;
        public string gStrFCaption;
        public string gStrFType;
        public string gStrFMust;
        public string gStrFMin;
        public string gStrFMax;
        public string gStrFDefault;
        public string gStrFDate;
        public string gStrFDB;
        public string gStrFAllow;
        public string gStrFDisallow;
        public string gStrFSB;
        public string gStrFBig;
        public string gStrFSmall;
        public string gStrFInputMethod;
        public string gStrFCHK;
        public string gStrFRelation;
        public string gStrFDesc;
        public string gStrFSecond;
        public string gStrFQC;
        public string gStrFException;
        public string gStrFASupp;
        public string gStrFYQH;
        public string gStrFPos;
        public string gStrFStar;
        public string gStrFSave;
        public string gStrFAddress;
        public string gStrFLblColor;
        public string gStrFIsCheckList;
        #region 加载字段规则
        private bool m_GetRule()
            string strSQL = "";
            DataTable dtGet = null;
                if (Common.gIntTypeOrder == 95)
                    strSQL = "select A.FNo,A.FName,A.FLock,A.FCaption,A.FType," + 
                         "A.FMust,A.FMin,A.FMax,A.FDefault,A.FDate,\r\n" +
                        "A.FDB,A.FAllow,A.FDisallow,A.FSB,A.FBig,A.FSmall,A.FInputMethod," + 
                        "A.FCHK,A.FRelation,A.FDesc,A.FSecond,\r\n" +
                        "A.FAddress,A.FLblColor,A.FIsCheckList from P_Field_Rule95 A \r\n" +
                        "INNER JOIN P_Field_Initial B ON A.FNo=B.FNo \r\n" +
                        "where A.FormType=1 AND B.FSection='1' AND " + 
                         "(B.FRegion95=1 OR B.FRegion95=-1) ORDER BY A.FOrder";
                    strSQL = "select A.FNo,A.FName,A.FLock,A.FCaption,A.FType,"+
                            "A.FMust,A.FMin,A.FMax,A.FDefault,A.FDate,\r\n" +
                            "A.FInputMethod,A.FCHK,A.FRelation,A.FDesc,A.FSecond,\r\n" +
                            "A.FSave,A.FAddress,A.FLblColor,A.FIsCheckList "+
                             "from P_Field_Rule A \r\n" +
                            "INNER JOIN P_Field_Initial B ON A.FNo=B.FNo \r\n" +
                            "where A.FormType=" + Common.gIntFormType.ToString() +
                            " AND B.FSection='1' AND (B.FRegion=" + Common.gIntRegion.ToString() +
                            " OR B.FRegion=-1) ORDER BY A.FOrder";
                dtGet = DB.GetDataTableBySQL(strSQL);
                if (dtGet.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    Common.ShowMessage("字段规则表没有数据,请马上联系软件工程师!", MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    return false;
                Type oType = Type.GetType("CCB_Donet.ClassFolder.FieldRuleInfo");
                mMainFieldRule = new FieldRuleInfo[dtGet.Rows.Count];          
                for (int i = 0; i < dtGet.Rows.Count; i++)
                    mMainFieldRule[i] = new FieldRuleInfo();
                    for (int j = 0; j < dtGet.Columns.Count; j++)
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = oType.GetField("gStr" + dtGet.Columns[j].ColumnName,
                            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance
                                    | BindingFlags.Static);
                        fieldInfo.SetValue(mMainFieldRule[i], dtGet.Rows[i][j].ToString());
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
                MyLog.WriteErrLog("frmDE-m_GetRule", ex.Message);
                dtGet = null;

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