using System; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace StringHash { class StringHash { static int Main(string[] args) { try { string hash = string.Empty; string str = string.Empty; string result; if (args.Length != 2) { return WriteError("Missing or invalid parameters"); } foreach (string arg in args) { switch (arg.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper()) { case "/A:": case "/H:": hash = arg.Substring(3).ToUpper(); break; case "/S:": str = arg.Substring(3); break; default: return WriteError("Invalid parameter: " + arg); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return WriteError("Missing required parameters"); } HashAlgorithm ha; switch (hash) { case "MD5": ha = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case "SHA1": case "SHA-1": ha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case "SHA256": case "SHA-256": ha = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case "SHA384": case "SHA-384": ha = new SHA384CryptoServiceProvider(); break; case "SHA512": case "SHA-512": ha = new SHA512CryptoServiceProvider(); break; default: return WriteError("Invalid hash type"); } result = BitConverter.ToString(ha.ComputeHash(StrToByteArray(str))); ha.Clear(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(result.ToLowerInvariant()); Console.OpenStandardOutput(); Console.WriteLine(sb.Replace("-", "")); return 0; } catch (Exception e) { return WriteError(e); } } // C# to convert a string to a byte array // http://www.chilkatsoft.com/faq/dotnetstrtobytes.html public static byte[] StrToByteArray(string instring) { System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); return encoding.GetBytes(instring); } public static int WriteError(Exception e) { return WriteError(e == null ? null : e.Message); } public static int WriteError(string errorMessage) { Console.OpenStandardError(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage) == false) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", errorMessage); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("StringHash, Version 1.00"); Console.WriteLine("Get the MD5 or SHA* hash value for the specified string"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage: STRINGHASH /A:hashAlgorithm /S:\"string\""); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Where: hashAlgorithm is either MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512"); Console.WriteLine(" string must be enclosed in doublequotes if it contains spaces"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Written by Rob van der Woude"); Console.WriteLine("http://www.robvanderwoude.com"); Console.OpenStandardOutput(); return 1; } } }